FDA Re-Inspection Fees
Companies that require re-inspection or recall may be subject to a fee designated by the FDA.
Update FDA Standards
Every two years at minimum, the FDA will be required to identify the most significant food threats — food-borne contaminants, disease — and disperse new science-based outlines and regulations for food production companies.
Access to Facility Records
Upon request, the FDA will gain expanded access to food production facility records. The agency may obtain records for tracking purposes or if there is reason to suspect a potential public health risk.
Power to Suspend
The law gives the FDA power to suspend a food production facility if a possible health risk is suspected. A new FDA registration process will take place twice a year and companies must meet updated requirements or risk suspension.
Hazard Prevention
Food production facilities must alert the FDA, through writing, of all identified hazardous practices currently in place and their plans to implement preventive measures going forward.
Illegal Additives
The FDA, along with the Department of Homeland Security and Department of Agriculture, will issue regulations that prevent food companies from knowingly including illegal additives, chemicals or other substances in their food products.
More FDA Inspections
Under the new law, the FDA must increase the frequency of its inspections. High-risk food production facilities will be inspected every three years while low-risk facilities will be visited within seven years of the law’s passing. Each year the FDA must report to Congress the frequency and cost of inspections.
High Risk Imports
The FDA may require certification or other forms of assurance for high-risk food imports. Consequently, the FDA may refuse to import food products that are lacking required certification.